
The Magic - Fionnuala Gill


【天籁女声】The Magic - Fionnuala Gill

Fionnuala Gill(菲奥诺拉·吉尔),爱尔兰歌唱家和竖琴演奏家,前Anuna成员;被媒体誉为爱尔兰新恩雅。

她七岁时开始演唱,在都柏林音乐学院度过了其求学生涯。吉尔在都柏林圣三一学院(Trinity College Dublin)修完心理学学位之后,成为艾纽纳合唱团(choral group Anúna)创立成员之一,以及“大河之舞(Riverdance )”的歌手。 

《The Magic》

If you believe in the magic,
Find all the wonder you seek,
Break the dark spell that you’re under,
Follow me, follow me.

If you would swim with the dolphins,
Fly with the eagles, be free,
Slip through the eye of a needle
Come follow me, follow me.
I am your dream,
I am the light you will be
And I will set you free,
Come follow me, follow me.

How can I smile when you’re crying?
How can I dance when you crawl?
I’ll give you wings when you’re falling,
Follow me, follow me
I am your dream,
I am the light you will be,
And I will set you free,
Look in your heart and you’ll see,
That I am your dream,
I am the love you will be
And I will set you free,
Come follow me, follow me.

If you believe in the magic
Nothing can stand in your way.
Open your heart to the wonder,
Just let it take you away…

I am your dream,
I am the light you will be
And I will set you free
Look in your heart and you’ll see,
That I am your dream,
I am the love you will be
And I will set you free,
Come follow me, follow me,
Come follow me, follow me.

